Saturday, June 2, 2012


Growing up in central Virginia meant attending Richmond Braves games.  The R-Braves were the Triple-A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves and were a solid ball club my entire childhood.  However, now the city is home to the Richmond Flying Squirrels, the Double-A farm team of the San Francisco Giants.  Addie was excited to go the game tonight because I'm pretty sure she thought there were going to be actual flying squirrels playing baseball.

Well, this was Chip's second game and he was determined to catch a ball.  He actually started crying halfway through his first game because as he said, his arms were not long enough to reach out and catch a ball.  Well, they must have grown in the past month because he got one tonight.  Although, he will tell you he didn't actually catch it. However, running a few steps and grabbing it after it smacked a metallic seat is just as good.

The internet at our house was out from Tuesday until this afternoon, causing me to take a break from blogging.  I figured it would give me a ton of crazy stories to write about once it was restored, but in reality, the kids have been pretty laid back the past few days.  We've been to Byrd Park to feed the ducks, Triangle Park to play, and Chip, Addie, Ollie and Jamie all went to Pocahontas Park and swam in the pool for Chip's field trip.  Throw in the Squirrel's game and you would think one of them either broke a leg, busted someone's lip or at least said something embarrassing in public. Addie did come close to falling in the pond at Byrd Park and getting hit by a car, but my friend Kenny pulled her back on the sidewalk, so nothing to write about here. Despite the lack of craziness I did hear this conversation from Chip and Addie yesterday.

Addie: 'I'm not going to get married."
Chip: "Then you'll be lonely!"
Addie: "Uh-uh. I'll live with Mom and Dad'
Me (thinking to myself): "God help us all!"
Chip: "Well, I'm going to get a girlfriend when I'm a teenager and then marry her."
Addie: "Yeah, and then you can have 98 kids."

Could you imagine the blog for that?!

Are your kids this crazy?

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