Thursday, May 24, 2012

Even babies can be crazy!

Remember in my opening post when I said 16-month Oliver wasn't crazy yet? I said I'd give him six months.  It was more like six days.  As I was spending the day at home sick, trying to get some rest, this kid ate like a teenage boy who had been lost in the woods for a week.

He stuffed the following food in his mouth at some point during the day:

Wheat Thins, fruit snacks, a chocolate chip cookie, granola bar, banana, raisins, animal crackers, BBQ chips, block cheese, Corn Chex, Goldfish, club crackers and about three sippy cups full of whole milk.

Granted some of this we fed him, but others he stole from the snack cabinet that for some odd reason we thought was a good idea to keep at his eye level. Why we have not invested in a two-dollar plastic lock or moved the cabinet higher is clearly bad parenting.

Mind you, all of this food did not include his breakfast, lunch or dinner.  At the end of dinner we thought he had finished his macaroni and cheese, only to realize most of it ended up stuck to the peach fuzz that sits atop his round, little dome.

You see, unless you have enough money to hire a live-in nanny, you are out-numbered once you have three kids.  (For some reason Jamie and I didn't think about that. Hey, I'm a writer not a mathematician) So, later that night when we were more than likely yelling at one of the older kids and trying to find the other one, Ollie decided it would be fun to splash around in the toilet.  He did everything short of jumping in.  When I found him, his arms were wet up to his sleeves and the grin on his face rivaled the creepiest of clowns -- which are forbidden in our house because of Jamie's phobia of the circus attractions. (needless to say she thought the photo below was cute, albeit a little scary)

The one good thing about the incident was miraculously the toilet was actually flushed.  We've found out children under seven are allergic to toilet handles, therefore they never flush them -- yeah, that's it.  So I scooped him up and took him to the bathtub while Jamie cleaned up the mess little "innocent" Ollie made.

While Ollie won the award for craziest Norris, here are a few Addie highlights from the day (Chip was pretty tame for the most part.)

  • Although it was playful she had Ollie in a choke hold at one point and told me, "He likes it."
  • After fighting with Mitch I asked her what she did, and she responded, "I bit him in the back, and I might do it again."
  • "I'm good at hitting," she told me. And she wasn't talking about baseball.
  • At the end of another minor scrap with Chip she came to me complaining he had hit her. I asked her, "What did you do to him?" Her response: "Nothing. I mean, I did kick him."
Ladies and gentlemen, my crazy children!

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