Monday, June 11, 2012

"The Worst Day Ever!"

This past week the kiddos haven't really been that crazy.  Jamie and I even went on a trip last weekend for our anniversary sans kids. The report back from grandparents was a good one -- although we are wondering how much they actually left out.  When we left to go however Addie started crying and clinging to Jamie which in turn made Ollie start screaming and crying, as snot ran out of his nose like a water hose.  My dad had to pry Addie off of Jamie as we left, and the whole scene reminded me of some day care from hell.  Five minutes later all was good and we were on our way to the beach.
OK, so this certainly wasn't the worst day ever considering it was our seventh wedding anniversary.  But if you ask Addie it was.

You know how kids can be.  The fact their peanut butter and jelly fell on the ground can equate to the worst day ever.  For Addie her worst day included staying at home, playing, taking a nap, watching TV, eating at McDonald's, having a picnic dinner and driving around and exploring some new areas of the city.

Must be a pretty rough life.

In reality though it was tough on her at times.  We planned on going to eat the picnic dinner somewhere on the James River but got a little lost and realized we had about 5 miles until we ran out of gas.  So we pulled over and headed through a field, thinking we were close to the river.  Instead we ended up just walking through knee-high grass until we reached a ledge that no stroller was going to conquer.  Addie almost conquered it by falling, and then rolling down. Luckily I knew she would be heading over to peer down and I ordered her back before she could lose her balance, which, inevitably, she would have.

So we found a spot with some not-so-high grass and ate dinner with the chiggers.  We then filled up and drove around by the river only to hit a dead end.  A friendly security guard at Dominion Power told us about a few things in the area, including Hollywood Cemetery, where my grandmother is buried.  We decided to drive there, and after going through two other cemeteries we thought were it, we finally made it to the entrance to the famous cemetery right at eight o'clock -- only to find the gate locked.  The only thing left to do was head home, shower and head to bed.

So, not the most fun for a five-year old. In fact so not-fun that we were labeled "worst mom and dad in the world," because we broke our promise of playing soccer at the picnic and there were no swings anywhere near the spot we decided to eat.  However, we quickly bounced back to "best mom and dad" after we gave them Mickey D's nuggets and french fries.

Craziness come with cleaning

Just to show you how crazy my kids are (or at least the boys) take a look at the picture below.  Chip actually asked if he could clean up and Ollie quickly chipped in (no pun intended).  Notice Addie is nowhere to be found because cleaning up and her go together like Red Sox and Yankees' fans.

After the boys finished cleaning Chip had the rest of the night planned out.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wash my hands, turn the TV on and relax."

Must be nice to be six.  It's too bad we take for granted the freedom and naivete we have as kids.

Are your kids this crazy?

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